30 Pleated Filter Hot on Sale
$129.5030 pleated filter for Heyes filter housing assembly.
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30 pleated filter for Heyes filter housing assembly.
Clear beer & wine wins awards and impresses those we share it with. BevBright™Cartridge Filters are an inexpensive, easy to use, and effective filtration media that your customers are sure to love! BevBright™is the first high-efficiency, multi-zoned, disposable cartridge filter available in the Homebrewing & Winemaking market. Current spun cartridge filters have 60-80% efficiency…
Genuine Buon Vino Super Jet Filter Pads. #1 8.0 micron nominal filter pads are used for coarse filtration. They remove large particles in heavy wines, typically big reds. Wine should typically be filtered through #1 pads first, then subsequent runs can use smaller pads if desired.
Genuine Buon Vino Super Jet Filter Pads. #2 2.0 micron nominal filter pads are used for fine or polishing filtration. Use to remove medium to small particulate and add shine to your wine. Grape wines should typically be filtered with #1 pads before using #2 pads, although kit wines with less sediment can use the…
The #3 pads are Sterile Pads – very tight pads that remove very small particulate in your wine. We strongly recommend that you filter with the #2 pad first before filtering with the # 3 pads.
PRS series filter cartridge, 1-10um, 30 226 Fin, Silicone o-ring.
Seitz Filter sheets have a long-lasting tradition of more than 130 years on the market of depth filtration and play a key role within the Pall Depth Filter portfolio. The invention of Seitz filter sheets at the beginning of the 19th century and the market introduction of the Seitz-EK by Theobald Friedrich and Georg Seitz…
Seitz Filter sheets have a long-lasting tradition of more than 130 years on the market of depth filtration and play a key role within the Pall Depth Filter portfolio. The invention of Seitz filter sheets at the beginning of the 19th century and the market introduction of the Seitz-EK by Theobald Friedrich and Georg Seitz…
Seitz Filter sheets have a long-lasting tradition of more than 130 years on the market of depth filtration and play a key role within the Pall Depth Filter portfolio. The invention of Seitz filter sheets at the beginning of the 19th century and the market introduction of the Seitz-EK by Theobald Friedrich and Georg Seitz…
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